Social media holds a tremendous amount of power. No matter how many good or bad aspects there are to it, social media is a powerful force in today's world.

As I was creating this post, I learned that around 4.48 billion people use social media worldwide. Now, it is important to note that there is a multitude of purposes for which this specific form of media is used for.
Some examples include:
Connection with others
Receiving news
Sharing information
Entertainment purposes
Within all of these purposes lies a combination of both positive and negative attributes encompassed within social media that I will be touching on in this post.
The Cons:
I think we can all probably identify that social media has been a challenge for us at one point in time for us. While it has been around for quite some time, it is not uncommon for many people, to feel, or have felt, as though social media played a negative role in their lives. It is a platform, well a variety of platforms, that embodies a multitude of information. It shows us all different types of people from all walks of life while sharing various types of news and entertainment. Now, we don’t always have control over the information we view and receive on social media given the built-in algorithms and advancements in technology. However, the information we are being consumed with can unquestionably cause potential insecurity, comparison, and negative thoughts or beliefs to develop about both ourselves and others. The point I’m trying to make is that social media has the ability to be a toxic place. It can feed us with negativity that can affect our days, our mindsets, and in turn, how we feel about ourselves. I mention these areas of social media in this post because of how important it is to be able to identify certain areas of negativity in our lives. Identifying the effects of social media can help us to take the initiative to ask ourselves; what platforms, what people, and/or what topics are causing harm in my life right now? Some examples of taking control over this could look like: blocking certain words from our accounts that can cause old things to be brought to the surface, removing people, setting time limits, or deleting certain apps for a day or two. Whatever these steps or boundaries may look like, it is greatly beneficial to take action on negative areas. What starts with awareness and identification will end up leaving a greater amount of peace in our lives.
The Pros:
While social media does unquestionably have its flaws, it can be a very beneficial platform, as well. When used correctly, and in a healthy manner, social media does have the capacity of holding positive power. It’s a platform that has the power to unite, edify, and educate. Personally, while I have had negative experiences with social media, it has also served as the main platform for me to share my story. Not only have I received opportunities to educate others about disabilities, but I have also been able to meet a number of people with similar medical experiences to my own. Social media is a positive outlet in society in the ways it can unite individuals, bring together people, form communities, and share information that would otherwise go unknown. As seen with how many people use social media, its reach is tremendous and ongoing. Because of this, social media has the capacity to reach people that in-person contact often cannot. Additionally, people oftentimes use social media as a means of sharing their voices with the world. It can be incredibly intimidating and fearful to speak up in a world with loud opinions, but social media allows individuals to share their stories in the ways they feel comfortable and see fit. Social media provides comfort, flexibility, and opportunity that individuals may feel they cannot receive outside of it. In a world as evolving as our own, it is understandable and incredibly common to feel safe within the large scope of media. If this does resonate with you, I encourage you to continue using the platform you have, and to use your voice to the best of your ability!
Just as with everything else in the world, there lay positives and negatives to social media too. However, when it comes down to it, it is all what you make of it and how you choose to let it reside within your own life.
" is all what you make of it and how you choose to let it reside within your own life."
Tips on how to create a positive relationship with social media:
1. Notice the negativity
Noticing patterns within our social media usage can help prevent negative mindsets and overall negativity in our lives. If we address one area of negativity, then we are able to address other potential areas with ease, as well.
2. Set boundaries
Whether that looks like setting time limits on apps, taking away certain profiles, or taking breaks from platforms, setting boundaries is healthy. Boundaries are a normal, common practice that should be taken periodically if we are finding social media to be toxic for us!
3. Replace the distraction
It’s not uncommon to run towards social media as a means of distracting us from our current situations. We may be dealing with a stressful situation at work or socially, and our instinct is often to run to social media to take our minds away from our stressors. However, if social media platforms are also causing us stress, then why don’t we turn our attention towards something positive that will provide us more benefit than potential destruction? Distractions can be good if we allow them to be! Make a list of healthy distractions that can produce more positivity in our daily schedules. Some examples can include: picking up a hobby, going on a walk, talking to a friend, or listening to our favorite music.
4. Give yourself grace
It is incredibly easy to be hard on ourselves for not making progress in certain areas despite our recognition and awareness of it. No matter your progress, try and give yourself some grace! If we choose to side with ourselves throughout our progress, we are only just rooting for ourselves and setting ourselves up for success! At the end of the day, we are our biggest critics, but we also have the ability to be our biggest supporters, as well.
How does social media play a role in your own life? What steps can you implement in order to create a healthier relationship with social media?